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Does Ice or hear help

I’m very newly diagnosed. I have so many questions, but I guess, my first question is. Does ice or heat help manage the pain or swelling

  1. I am sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis, but Hope it means you will soon be on your way to successful treatment. “So many questions” is the natural state for all of us with chronic illnesses! Myself, I use both heat and cold - based on what feels the best or natural at the time. There are days when my hands feel like little radiators - heat just pouring out. On those days I “ice” them, and it feels great. I use glasses of ice water or cold cans of pop. I hold them in my hand and roll them around my palms and backs of my hands. Some days they feel achy but not hot, on those days I use heat. I purchased a paraffin bath online and love it’s warming effect. For other body parts, it varies. If I have a small isolated spot that’s burning or tingling, icing seems best. If it’s larger and feels more like sore muscles, a heating pad helps. Warm showers help for the overall aches. I believe both heat and cold can increase circulation, helping flush the area. Icing, for me, helps more with swelling. In the beginning, icing just seemed counterintuitive - and sounded unpleasant! Now it is an important part of my regimen. Jo

    1. I'm also sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. You have landed in the right spot, and we are always here to help in the best way possible. In my experience living with RA the last 19 years (and this is just what has worked for me), you will need to do a bit of trial and error to see what you may need on a given day, week or in the moment. Both heat AND ice respectively can do wonders on RA. Heat helps soothe achy joints but surrounding tissues as well like your muscles, tendons etc. I know with morning stiffness heat can help loosen you up, and a warm shower/bath in the evening can aid in better sleep. Now on days you're swollen/flaring and need some extra support ice may be more your friend than heat. You will need to play around with both to see what helps you when. Also don't be afraid to ask your rheumatologist, and even consult a physical therapist who are very knowledge in this area. Hope it helps. I'm not sure where you live but with the summer months coming up here's a great article written a while ago about using ice packs when it's hot out, among other things.

      -Effie, team member

      1. Hi . First, let me say that it is great that you are seeking out a place you can get information and support. Second, I want echo the other team members. RA is often individualistic - what works for one may not for another. Plus, circumstances, especially with something like heat or cold, can dictate what helps. I can tell you that my wife, Kelly Mack (a contributor here), is definitely more of a heat person. That said, she often finds icing after PT (particularly in recovery from a recent surgery) to be helpful.
        Also, I thought you might be interested in this article from our editorial team that compiled thoughts from some of our patient leaders on advice for the newly diagnosed: Also, our patient leader Kat did this two part article on the topic (see: and Hope this information is helpful and please feel free, if you like, to let us know how you are doing and to ask questions - this community is here for you. Best, Richard ( Team)

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